Formatting of Research
A scholar has not
completed the requirements leading to a Research Publication until the paper
has been formatted as per the guidelines set by the University, UGC or
Publisher. Sometimes scholar realizes after completing the whole paper that the
research work is not as per the format required and risks publication deadlines
or be required to register for an additional term if the paper needs
substantial revisions in order to meet the guidelines. This is single most
important aspect of any paper that the same style must be followed throughout.
Writekraft creates a
high-quality draft of your research work by editing and correcting your paper,
conduct spell checking, create footnotes and endnotes, page numbers, and tables
of contents and indexes wherever required as well as carefully examine reviewer
feedback and design as per the desired goals. We thoroughly check your Thesis
to see it matches with the guidelines as mentioned in the manual. We then edit
the document accordingly.
Writekraft also
provide you with the following services, if required: